
Skitt: emergency post, Gabby

Hey guys I wanted to speak quickly on something that I hold near and dear to my heart. Though the subject is closer to the top of my body. I hope that all of you who have been fallowing gymnastics part of the Olympics know who this fabulous young lady is. Also if you have been fallowing the media surrounding her you should know that she has her fair share of haters. You can read it here click me. Basically there are some people in America who are more interested in looks than the athletics (which is crazy because the Olympics are about athleticism) I am personally outraged by this because as a black female athlete I also struggle with people making comments about my looks. (I am not trying to compare myself to Gabby but I can say that I have experienced the same comments) I am a swimmer and diver, when I dive people can see my hair because I dive without a cap. I also have natural hair meaning I have never had chemicals (perm, relaxer, etc.) and I do not put weave in my hair because it makes my head unbalanced. (I know it’s wired but I can feel the weight difference). Like Gabby instead of comments on my performance or my talents as an athlete they talk about my hair. Excuse me????? What did you say? Are you really telling me that this young lady isn't perfect enough for you because of her hair? What is wrong with her hair, that’s what I want to know? Her hair looks just like the other gymnast. It is in a tight pony tail which is really hard to see because your eyes are naturally drawn to how epic she looks in this photo. Nobody talks about all the other female black athletes and how their hair looks (there are 52 other women about 30 of them are on track and field). It has been my personal experience that the people making these comments are other black women who by the way are not athletes. Most of them don't want to do anything to break a sweat because it will ruin their hair. (And because they don't work out they are often unhealthy but they make the sacrifice because they want their hair to look good) how can someone tell me to give up doing what I love to look better. I don't care what Gabby's hair looked like she could have rocked a fro if she felt like it, all I care about is if she is coming home with some metals. Black hair is strong and often temperamental it takes a lot to control and manage it. It also takes a lot of time. For me it takes 6 hours from start to finish doing my hair. I just don't have that kind time I would rather be in the pool or hitting the board. I am sorry my hair isn't my priority and I don't think it's Gabby's either. You can ask her when she gets back from the Olympics the competition she has been training for, for the past four years. Training which required her to move to Iowa away from her family for three years. But yes ask her about her hair.  I AM NOT MY HAIR

Stay Fierce 

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