
random affirmation

Today's random affirmation is: I let go of worries that drain my energy.

Catastrophizing is something I'm good at. Like I would have a gold medal if it was an Olympic sport. Not that I would make it to the Olympics from worrying myself into a corner. It's hard to stop doing something that you excel at but sometimes you got to do it. 


random affirmation

Today's random affirmation is: I embrace peace

I had fight with my step father for the most of the day so I embrace peace starting now. 


random affirmation

Today's random affirmation is: I fully approve of who I am, even as i get better.

I think this one is hard for me because I am very critical of myself. I recognize my flaws and have a long list of things and ways I can improve my self. I think I fully approve of my forward movement even when it's small, even when all I can do to be better is not to let myself get worse. I fully approve of always trying to better myself. 


random affirmation

Today's random affirmation brought to you by my family: I will work to maintain my peace.

Working to maintain my peace looks like doing the work in and out of therapy. Which is why I write these everyday. 


Random Affirmation

 Today's random affirmation is: I will face today with joy.

Today is a short day for work for me so it should be a good day. So I can have joy about that. I love short days. WOOOOOOOOO! I will face my work out with joy though which is the hardest part.


random affirmation

Today's random affirmation is: All my problems have answers.

They might all have answers but I don't always like the answer. That's the problem, me disagreeing with the correct, and often only answer. I don't like the answer so I chose to do the all the wrong things until I have no choice but to do the right answer. There's often an infinite amount of wrong answers for me to choose from so I can take my sweet time getting to the right answer. 


random affirmation

Today's random affirmation is: I am smart.

I don't feel smart around smart people. But I'm also generally surrounded by idiots so it's not a problem. 


random affirmation

Today's random affirmation is: I am a positive impact

It's hard not to be a positive impact when you slay so hard.


random affirmation

Therapist wants me to write myself affirmations. I hate but I'm doing it with the help of a random affirmation generator. Today's random affirmation is: I am compassionate

I do have concern for others. It mostly shows up in me worrying about them making the wrong choices, because they are stupid or lack perspective.

*I can tell this going to go well* said sarcastically