
skittles: Eta Carina what if you don't get better

These are just notes on conversations I plan to have with Eta Carina. We both suffer from different mental health issues. I'm doing better and she is right now. I recognize the dark place that she said and I want to help but I also need to establish boundaries so that I don't get taken back to that place. 

I want this to work and even if you don't get better I want to be with you. So I guess there's two separate conversations we to have one about you getting better and one where you don't.

 what does getting better mean to you? What does it mean to me? What commitment are will to make to that? What are you willing to sacrifice and do to get better. Are you willing to have the hard conversations were you hear things you might not want to hear. Are you willing to do things that you don't want to do. are you willing to do the things even when you're exhausted and don't feel like you have the energy for it. Are you willing to push past what you feel emotionally to what your physically capable of? Are you willing to train your emotions in a similar way of how you would train your physical muscles. are you willing to work on your emotional stamina in the same way you work on physical stamina. 

If you're not willing to get better what did that mean for our relationship? Do you still want to be with me. Will you accept the help I offer? Will you need more care than I can provide at times. Where do you get that care if not from me. Are you willing to let people in to care for you. Can you accept being cared for. What are the systems we need to set up so that you can maintain where you are. What are some uncomfortable truths we will need to accept. What are so things that will put you Jeopardy of getting worse that we have to eliminate. 

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