
Skittles: a different kind of X-men

I recently found out that a lot of bipolar people believe they can see the future and are suicidal. They have these moments of deja vu, hallucinations that then happen in real life, or have vision in a fugue state. I have bipolar depression and when I read about what others people experience there are so many similarities.  What if all of these non neurotypical disorders are just the beginning of an evolutionary mutation of our cognitive abilities? These are the very beginning stages where nothing really works yet. We are currently non functional preliminary prototypes. Bipolar disorder is just our brain trying to piece together a lot of information and make the most statistically possible outcome. Information we didn't even know we consciously noticed. ADHD is just a faster synaptic process. Insomnia is our actual need for less sleep. Dissociation is the ability to shut down no essential parts of the brain and rest at will. Servant syndrome is being born to do one thing. But nothing really works as it hopefully will much later. Kind of like how women evolved to have a menstrual cycle every month. It wasn't always this way. I'm not saying that our current method of breeding is perfect but it's come a long way. Maybe our brain function will too.

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