
#YASSSSSS misconceptions: Bi-spin off ep3

"No one is 100% Bisexual"
I hate when people say that they don't believe bisexual exist. Like bisexual are some mythical creatures too outlandish to be real. The news headline will never read "Spoiler Alert: bisexuals to be featured a lot in fantastic beasts as one of the rarest creatures." Of COURSE WE EXIST! People believe in Noah's Arch, Santa Claus, Bigfoot, yetis, Nessy The loch Ness monster, faires, that the Earth is flat, that women can control their periods without medicine (I think that they think we control it with our minds), and a whole lot of other far fetched ideas. But bisexuality is to wild of theory to be real. There is no scientifically accredited evidence that vaccines cause autism. There is plenty of scientific evident supporting bisexuality. You can see bisexuals but you can't see the oxygen in the air you breath.

***Side not***
Even when it's cold outside, that's the condensation of the moisture not the actual oxygen. Not in bubbles or balloons you blow either. The gas you see trapped is a mixture of oxygen bonded with I higher amount of carbon. I mean you can't see pure oxygen. Yes I'm aware the oxygen we breath is a mix of carbon, nitrogen, and a few other gasses. But we only use the oxygen from the air in breathing.
Point is bisexuals are real and there's no right way to be bisexual.

As a Bisexual I have definitely asked other bisexuals with the their percentile breakdown is. Not in a your not a full bisexual way though. Asking what percent are they to each gender (in a binary world). If I like women 75% men 25% that does not make me 25% straight. Having a preference for one gender over the others does not make a percent straight vs. gay. If I like men more that does not make me straight. If I prefer women that doesn't make gay. Bisexuals that aren't 50/50 are still 100% bisexual. You can be 99/1 still bisexual. You can be cismem/transwomen, still bisexual. You can be Agender/Non Binary still 100% bisexual.
We're not a pie chart. All forms of bisexuality are 100% vaild. All one needs to be 100% bisexual is say your Bisexual.

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