
PS. But how do you feel

Dear Amoriartii,

Congratulations again. I am honored to attend your wedding. I am very sorry that I won't be able to attend the reception. My best friend is getting his wisdom teeth out and I have to travel to be able to drive him back from the dentist. However, because I can't attend your reception you will surely be the best dressed there.

I am sad we didn't get to see each other while you were in my city. I will have to wait to see if you are the better dancer and Gypsy Warrior Moon Child wanted to see Felix. I really wanted to say sorry for betraying your trust and hurting you. We have known each other for about five years and I should have known better. I don't mean to hurt you. I will make every effort not to make the same mistake in the future. I know you were busy but to me it almost seemed like my wanting to apologize made you uncomfortable? We haven't really talked in over a year so I have know idea what's going on with you or what this past year has been like for you but I did honestly just want to catch up as well. I'm sure you've been saving the world from disasters, protecting queer youth, doing unimaginably kinky things with the cutest boys, and singing your lungs out all while wearing at least 5 inch heels. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer to hear of your amazing adventures.

When I messaged you on Facebook those where just honest questions. I'm at a lost for what's going on with you. I do want to know what you want and need from me. I was asking because I wanted to know if were going to talk to each other in the future? If we would still visit each other? I don't think I'm asking for some thing complicated. I'm not trying to mess with your life. I'm not asking for any type of relationship acquaintances, friends, business, whatever Trump has going on with the leaders countries that are suppose to be are allies, ect. My intentions are sincere but you don't have to believe and I don't blame you for not trusting me. It's just that we don't talk anymore and I am wondering if that is going to be permeant.
See you in January,


I'm going to send this email. I'm waiting until the month is over then I'm going to send this out.

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