
#Shady Misconceptions: Prelude

First I'm so sorry that this is over a month late. It took a long time to write this final installation of the Pride 2018 Series. I didn't just sit down and write it all at once. I couldn't. I had to sit and think, get outside opinions, and research. I live in a very queer bubble. Not just 90% of my friends identify as at least 1 queer identity. Most of my friends are the "radical" left. Most of my friends are grassroots activist. Most of my friends keep up with new queer theory, both academically and as it developes organically. My 5 closest friends are all queer and everyone of them except for 1 identify with multiple queer identities. 1 of my inner circle knows what's up and coming with queer media and art. They know where things are headed becuase they watched the new trend grow from basically inconception to popular.  With that said I rarely experience hate, see stereotypes, or deal with mainstream issues. I'm privileged in that way and it made this piece hard to write. But it is done now. There are six parts to this and then a four part Bisexual spin-off.

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