
#Queen Misconceptions: Part 4

I think as time goes on America forgets there is suppose to be a separation between religion and government. Religion does not decide government policy.

"Homos hate GOD!"/ "Queers want to end religion!"/ "You cannot be gay and religious!" Homo don't hate GOD. Queers want religious beliefs to stop inhibiting them from getting rights or being treated fairly. Yes you can be devout and homo. Queer and religious aren't opposites, they don't go against each other, they are not mutually exclusive, and not all Queers worship Satan, practice witchcraft, are polytheologic, pagan, or atheist. This one is easy to see where it stems from. The biggest antagonist against queer rights and people are relgious organizations. So in turn you have a lot of angry queers protesting hate against them, which nine times out of 10 are religious groups. However, not all queers reject or are rejected by faith (or faith communities), and not all faith communities reject queers. I go to a the country's largest queer confrence and there is a whole faith track. That means every session there are at least three different religious workshops. There are at least twelve 90 minute sessions over the three workshop days (there are 5 days to this thing by the way). What I do know is that Queers believe that the Christian Church should not run the government. No religion should run the government.  Religious beliefs don't get to determine people's rights. Queers want to end the conflation of church and state. I know a number of queers who were never rejected by their faith communities. They are proud Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Mormons. They are also ridiculously queer. I also know a number of c
queers that have gone back to religion later on in life. Not all queers are atheists not all of us hate religion. Enough of us have had bad experiences with religion to make the community-at-large seem jaded.  The S
Stereotype shouldn't be "queers hate GOD" it should be "people hate queers and use GOD to justify it." Hating people is not really in the spirit Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. The big three abrahamic religions preach love, tolerance, and acceptance. They also say that it is not our (humanity's) place to pass judgment, GOD is the only one who can judge. These haters stop being hypocrites and practice what they say they follow.

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