
Journals for class: I remember

I have to write a series of journals for class and I thought since I haven't been writing lately that I would share them with you.  This first one is called I remember. It's suppose to be about any memory.

I remember before my brother was born, what is now his room was my play room.  The walls where white and the windows where to high for me to look out of. I was older that 2 but younger than 5. My play room had all my favorite toys in it and dress up close hung in the closet. Blankets for forts were on the closet shelf. On this particular day my mom was in the back yard doing yard work. I was in my play room and it was warm enough to have the windows open. It was either spring or summer and the sun was shining through the window.  A light breeze came through the screen and I talked back to one of my only friends the wind.

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