
Skit: the women's march

First off I did not March. I was not in my city. I did not feel solidarity to march or safe to march. With that said I can't complain about something I didn't help organize or participate in.  But I can offer up my opinion. I believe as a whole the march was good.  It didn't just represent women it represented all marginalized groups that are now living in fear under this new administration. It was widely inclusive and my march offered a way for me to participate even though I wasn't there. Which I did do. My concern is that the people in the march did not understand fully what they were marching about.  Some women (white cis) marched because they are afraid their rights will be taken away under this administration. Rights that POCs and trans people  were already being denied or infringed upon. Where was the solidarity back then? Why did they have to come for you for you to suddenly care about all of us? It was highly ableist. A march only includes people who don't have mobility issues to march. A lot of people posted statuses congratulating people who came with canes and oxygen tanks. Like they were overcoming something to be there.  Which they might have been but it inherently puts down those you weren't able to attend because they could not over come their mobility issues. There needs to be solidarity with those who lack the privilege to be in these types of spaces. People marching may not support women's issues such as abortion, education, lgbt, racial, and trans issues ect, because yes these are all women's issues.  Because a woman can be a person of color, trans, in need or have had an abortion, lacking access to education, ect.  These are women's issues simply because people who identify as women experience these issues. So the march meant so much more than the fact that the president is a rapist and wants to limit the control women have over their own bodies and I think that fell on deaf ears.

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