
Skitt: Unsteady

I'm falling.  I'm failing.  I need help.
Disappointment fills the air. Mother I'm sorry I'm not the daughter you wanted me to be.
 Father you can't talk to me.
 I've been alone all my life in this broken disfunctional family.
You can't come to me now.
I've failed.
I'm on the bottom.
I can't get any lower
Will someone help me?
Brother you can do better than me.
Sister be the hero I still need you to be.
If you love me hold me so close and never let me go.
Or let me be free
I'm tired
I'm bloody
I'm dying.
Will anyone save me?
Friends I've betrayed you.
Love I've hurt you.
I know you're all fed up of trying.
Stop fighting me.
If you knew me you'd let me go.
If you know me you should save my life. Hold on to me I'm too close to the egde and I'm a little unsteady.

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