
Skit: Orlando

Let's be very clear.  This was a hate crime. A person came into the club with a gun and just ended 50 lives becuase he hated the LGBTQ community. He injured and traumatized 53 plus people. He has broken families and hearts.  He has spread fear in a time that is suppose to be about camaraderie, celebration, and rememberance. This is not a broken community. He has not broken us. We are not so easily torn down. We will not stop being who we are becuase people are afriad of us and hate us. We  will take this month back as we have had to take everything we have ever had. This month is rightfully ours. Our rainbow will not yeild to hate or blood shed. Our pride will not yield to fear mongering. We will come together in the wake of this tragedy, the biggest mass shooting in our history ( out side of government sanctioned killings), and emerge that much stronger. We will return to our roots, of pride being a roit not a party. We will have to bring our love to fight the domestic terrorism. We will show the world Love really does win. It has and will continue to.

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