
Daily struggles

Theme songs for creating change Chicago:
• Marina and the Dimonds
      How to be a heart breaker
• Alesso
• Fall out boy


Daily struggles

Trans*: a person brave enough to wear whatever the hell they wanted, live how they wanted,  regardless of your rules and their bodies


Daily struggles

What do you say when you know the time for words has long since passed? But you didn't know then what you know now. Sorry just doesn't seem to suffice. I have a problem with leaving words unsaid. I struggle to get out of my head.  Out there, silence is my only company. The screaming voices in my head make sure I'm never lonely. It's always the same old regret, I mean song. They both sound the same. 


Skittles: do a thing

If you are trans*, gender non conforming,   Gender fluid, or Genderqueer and are in the USA take this survey: www.ustranssurvey.org


Daily struggles

No content this month. I'm just going to take a moment to myself.  I can't be mad, passionate, or sad all the time.  I need time to not feel threatened every time I leave the house. Down for the cause, forever in solidarity, but self care is important.


Daily struggles

Not being able to hang till 4 am.  All the nope


Daily struggles

Seeing a band you've loved longer that all of your relationships, through 2 graduation, 4 schools, and a 6 year hiatus. It feels like a dream that never happened.  Aliens forever. #tokiohotel #TH Covered in Gold