
Skit: A Macro macroaggression

So read this article first, ARTICLE.

Okay so now that we are on the same page let's gets the obvious out the way, yes this is still appropriation. Not cultural but it's basically plagiarism with racists intent, or effect. It would be different if they took it like people take a design revamp it and improve it by ten fold. That would be like taking a car and making a tank. Better! #growingupwhite noticing the major difference in how my white teacher treated the black students.  Or #growingupwhite being jelous of the love my black friend's mother had for him. Or taking it and making it serve a similar purpose for a different set of people. Taking a car and making it a minivan. Now it moves family's!  #growingupmexican would have been fine becuase it would have been celebrating the the unique and finer points of Mexican heritage that appear in everyday life and majority of Mexicans' children's upbringing. However, without permission, thought, or cultural analysis they took it and made it thiers #growingupwhite when you feel like you are entitled to the world. Which is when the twittet account  Black Twitter, and thier followers, step in to troll dey white ass. Reminder! RACISM IS PREJUDIC, OPRESSION, OR DISCRIMINATION DIRECTED AGAINST A DIFFERENT RACE BY A RACE THAT IS AT AN ADVANTAGE.  When you are the oppressor there is just certain things you can't do: have a history month, an association with only oppressors in it, have a cultural center, have a cultural based degree and use certain words. This is also one of those things.  Some should really write a guide book, privileged the do's and don'ts. ( it could cover being a man,  cis, hetro, rich, formally educate, white, American, Western, urban, native English speaking, able-bodied, ect).

Okay so the larger issue at hand here is still racism, which nobody seems to get.  The fact that white people felt left out of cultural bonding of a culture they aren't a part of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's like a boy feeling left out when girls bond over period struggles or wearing bras.  It doesn't concern you and not everything has to be about you.  Or is that just something ethnic kids learned growing up #growingupnotwhite. We need to learn we can't be part of everything, we don't own the lime light,  and sometimes you have to sit back and clap for someone else. Its oppressive becuase it was our moment in the lime light celebrating ourselves and in one unintentional swoop white pepole took it, mocked it, and robbed it off its cultural significance.  Like they do everything: art, music, theater, people, counties, ect. Becuase they feel like they can.  Becuase society says they can. #growingupwhite is a Marco micro aggression.  Because it is socially acceptable for them to do so no white person thought to them selves while making these tweets " this is racist" or "this is oppressive" .  Taking what you want is capitalism and thus okay.  But not actually.  It is macro becuase it exploded on twitter, a place used for trolling, making community, or being basic as fuck. Trolling is a funny overt form of aggression. So for whites to troll black culture is pretty messed up when you take a closer look.  And it's funny just like the dressing up in black face and playing a fool was funny. Next time just let  it be.  Mind your business. Or as my mamma would say "sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up"  even when you think you not even doing anything #growingupblack

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