
Skit: separating the T

In more recent years there has been a movement to remove the T for the Queer acronym and community. The sexual identities aren't kicking the gender based ones out.  They are leaving on thier own volition, they are leaving the sexual identities like leaving an abusive  lover. Because let's be real that's what this relationship between the two has been.  The Transgender community is always the backbone of the movement.  They start it.  They are the ones risking it all with the most to loose, facing the worse consequences.  Then when they make progress queer cis folks take it, take all the credit, kick them out,  and make it hard for them to be part of the movement they started by letting them be harassed by the police,  taking the action to places that are  inaccessible to them, or being hostile to them when they are there. I would leave the cis gay community too for being that mentally and emotionally abusive.  The sexual community often leaves the gender community out when the sexual community is making progress, specifically when it comes to laws.  Many bills concerning rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, queers, asexuals, and pansexuals, ect.. could have included trans* rights. But said bill wouldn't have been passed if trans* rights were included so they get left out. I would know, I've choosen to cut the trans* part out in order to get a bill passed.  Saying "we'll come back and try again when we're done", it's been 4 years and I have yet to go back and make a trans* bill (today I got together with a group of trans* folks and I am going to support them in making a trans* bill).  That's usually the way it goes too. For fear of not being able to help anyone I left the ones that needed the most help behind.  I did get the bill passed if you were wondering. But people aren't just sexualities, races, or genders, they area combination. The right thing to do, what I should have done, is fight for the whole thing.  We fight togther, we should succeed togther, and fail togther.  I had to go Alex, who is trans*  and my fellow warrior in the struggle with this bill, and tell her I cut the trans* part so it could get passed. She should have smacked me and said we get it all passed or none at all.  But she didn't, she just continued to support the bill. And I know you are all like but we just finished marriage equality here in the states, is thier turn now.  It's too late!  First the sexual community has a bad track record for sticking up for the gender community so it's understandable that they don't trust the sexual community not to fuck this up.  Also having two groups fight separately for the same thing has never been bad or detrimental to the overall goal trying to be achieved. Second cis pepole don't know what's best for trans*pepole and unless we are going to let them run the show cis people will probably mess up. Cis pepole need to take a seat and listen.  Cis people I know that's hard to do,  being the majority and all it's hard to believe there's something you don't know about gender.  It seems like such a simple concept but its not. Take a seat! Third the sexual community takes things, claims them as thier own, and is very abusive. Fourth gender and sexuality are different it's easier to understand if you talk about them separately. It would help not to confused the two if they were separate communities. I love the trans* movement  and trans* folks but I support them doing what is healthiest and best for them. If that means leaving us then that's what they got to do!

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