
Midnight sacrifices

This is a dramatization of what I feel like when awoken.

*is rudely awoken by loud stranger on the phone in the next room over*

*puts on nightgown*

* walks down the cold hallway barefoot*

* grabs hunting riffle off the the mantle from over the fire*

*warms cold feet near fire for a second*

* walks back up the hallway*

* murders who ever is on the phone this loud at Fucking midnight*

*sacrifices  there dammed soul to  Satan* ( because there is a special place in hell for them for waking me up)

* drinks blood of enemy like glass of warm milk*

* goes back to sleep in the peaceful quiet of the night*

If there is one thing I love just as much as chocolate and skyrim its my sleep. ( and I get so little sleep) waking me up unwise and I will be very grumpy and cranky until I get back to sleep.  No victims were actually sacrificed.

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