
Skit: I don't leap I get pushed

Did I ever tell you the story of how I slipped and fell and when I got up I was bisexual. I kinda tripped into my super queer life. I accidentally landed into the boss chair which put me in charge of founding this kink organization. Looking back on my life a lot it happened despite my efforts to stop it. Let's look at being bisexual, a lot of things had to happen for me to realize that I was queer. I went to a super queer highschool, not everyone was homo but we didn't believe in traditional gender roles. We believe in being yourself, exploring what that meant, really discovering who yourself. We had guys who wear dress for like a week just because they were curious. But that is the type of school I went to. I am certain if I would have gone anywhere else I would still be straight. It took a girl so much like me to really push me in to being like oh snap! Same thing with my super queer life. It all started because my friend dragged me to a Queer straight alliance meeting. In every instance if I would have had my very stubborn way my life would be drastically different. I was pushed in to it. I never take leaps of faith and when I do its not a leap of faith its a very calculated jump. Though my life has change a drastically since starting high school I have petty mixed stayed the same. Anyone can look at my life and say there you must have had to take a leap of faith there. The answer would be no. I am woefully inexperienced when it come to just jumping. I always look first, then it is usually followed by me colorfully explaining why I am not going to jump. So when my friends explained to me that love is a leap of faith I knew I was screwed. Love just isn't for me and I am off to get a cat as we speak. I do not do crazy dangerous things. I go asking with my friends to do mildly entertaining things and along the way life puts me in very spicy situations. We can go back to love for a second, I had no intentions of finding it while I was is school. I thought there was no way in hell I'd get picked to go to New York. I also knew there was no way I was going to be able to pay for it if I did go. However, one way or another ended up in New York city for the Google conference!!! I just wanted to learn, explore, and see a couple of my friends while I was there not make new friends. But again man makes plans and God laughs. I met AmoriartiI while I was there and it started a whirlwind of events that neither of us could see coming or control. Our lives were thrown together and it seems the more I resist the closer they get. Oddly enough after a year of fighting it I almost want it. I want to like them. I do like them I mean I want this... Love. I just can't leap. I don't know how because all of my life I have been pushed. I awkwardly landed in Amoriartii's life, now I am just one mistake away from forming more permanent relationship.

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