

I just noticed I have not told you all what I have been doing with my life and why I write major post so infrequently. Well I am still working on KU, which is my major activism project at the moment. I am also reconnecting with my Chicago activist to help in any way I can and possibly join their projects. I am still working two jobs (life guarding, teaching swimming and learning how to be a water fitness instructor), at two different facilities doing the same thing at both. One of them is hell the other is heaven and I have dungeon in the basement. Spending time with old friends and really cementing bonds with new friends. Chasing after love instead of letting love come to me, same old same old. Oh yeah and I am traveling every month to a new country; June was Mexico, July was France, and August is China. I am trying to do stuff, because depression is a BITCH and I mean that in the least empowering most degrading way you describe something shitful. All I want to do is Netflix and sleep and again sometimes I don't even want to Netflix. So doing things instead, sometimes. I am trying to see my friends more this month because I finally miss them enough to leave the house, that means those are some serious feels. I am also slightly mor active and eating less due to a number of reason we aren't talking about. None of which have to do with an eating disorder so calm down. I haven't lost weight, simply because I have been building a little mussel about the same rate as I burn a lot of fat, or at least that is the story I am sticking with. I still have some work to do to make it ideal ( like maybe remove a rib or two) but I am fairly comfortable with my body right now. I have been getting cat called like nobodies business. Some of it, the tamer stuff, isn't necessarily discouraged. Such is my life. Main reason I don't blog, what I would write because of my fowl mood would be despicable. One day I will return to write thought provoking things with music and pictures once again but until then we will struggle daily with simple stuff and write short thoughtful post every once and a while.

Stay firece


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