
Skit: Letters to my Freshman, Twink one

Dear Twink One,
      I honestly have no idea what to say to you. I have had a great year getting to know you; watching you grow and mature change for the better for the most part. I am extremely proud of who you are and what you have the potential to do even though I know I have had nothing to do with the process of you getting there. Not to say that I wouldn’t like to help, I just don’t think you will ever need it. I will always have an ear to lend you and hand to help you up. So you can call anytime for anything even if it’s nothing at all. I can promise you now I will make an effort to get all of you together and see you guys once every summer, because I will miss you a little. My last order of business before I leave, and pray that the house doesn’t burn down, is that we have to stay in contact. Much like over one of the breaks when I got to talk to you the entire time. You’ll be a great president; friend, boyfriend, and Physicist never doubt that. I wish I could leave you with some lasting advice or words to live by but you're such a dynamic, complex individual that I don’t think that would work for you. So instead I am going to share some of my experience in hopes that you can learn from my mistakes. One of the things that has gotten me into trouble, the serious kind that I don’t talk about, is not asking for help. I like to go it alone because I think I can, I am too prideful, or I don’t think anyone will understand. I have come to find out that it is simply not true.  We may all be individuals and different, but quite a few of us have similar fucking problems. I am not saying when I learned to ask for help that it got any better, because I don’t like taking advice. What can I say I’m hard headed, but at least I became savable. I have been rescued many times by friends who probably don’t even consider themselves helping me. I need to get out of my apartment every day and some days that was hard. However, I had friends that knew I was struggling and would invite me over all the time just to chill. They didn’t know when I was having a bad day or what triggered it; they would just randomly text me just because. Take from that what will and have another good three or so years.

J Skittles

Ps. now that it has been 3 minutes boob grope. 

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