
skit: I'm just changing

Dear Dr. Lex,
I hope you didn’t think I would leave without saying goodbye. My step dad decided to come get me at 9 pm tonight, so you won’t get to see him, ask him if I told him, or talk to him. It wasn't my idea to come get me this late, I have an interview tomorrow. I know you would have something funny, something smart, and some tough love words for me to hear. These two years you know you have been my go to person at my home away from home. I would say you were my parental figure, but you know I don’t tell them nearly as much as I tell you. I know I need to. You have counseled, consoled, help me through very hard times, but most importantly listened to me. Thank you so much for listening to me, even when you were busy and had things to do you always listened. Even though I never seemed like it, I listen to your words too, and I have learned so much from you. I may have not followed the advice you gave me and life has been worse off by not heeding your warnings but I’ve learned. Your words did not fall on deaf ears. I will stay in touch and keep you informed about my progress. I will go back to a four year institute after I work all of this mental health stuff out. However, for now I have many classes to retake at a community college while I attended daily therapy sessions. I just want to be 100% before I try this again and I think considering what I want to do you would agree. Dr. Lex I wish I could repay you for everything you have done for me. I will see you in February for mblgtacc.

J Skittles

"And I was never looking for approval from anyone but you
And though this journey is over I'll go back if you ask me to"

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