
Skit: Desire Map

How do you go about saying what you need when you don't know yourself? Not to come off as callow but I really just like to snuggle. To share personal space with someone whose company I enjoy is altruistic. It's a peaceful joy similar to a field of lighting bugs on a warm summer night with a full moon and billions of stars. Somewhere void of street lights and neon signs. Where the late night songs of traffic and sirens are replaced with crickets, frogs and doves. Just the simple satisfaction of the stillness within that is only juxtaposed by the reselling of the breeze through the leaves and across the grass. A breeze that gently caresses the skin, that's how softly the joy that overflows from my being covers me, engulfs me really. ... I can't help but want to share the happiness that... If I can bring delight to the person that has brought me bliss, then the day is truly glorious. If I can be there when they need me and give them more them a shoulder to cry on then my ears have been put to good use. If I can give them to them to show them that I care, then that's money well spent. But if I can return to them an ounce of the jubilance that they bring to me simply allowing me to be in their life then my soul will indeed understand what nirvana is. I guess I want the simple pleasures in life: to get to know someone, to be close to someone, to be let in, and to feel understood, not to be judged, not to judge, to actually be able to have open and honest communication, to be comfortable enough to just be able to sit in silence, to trust and be trusted. To be able to laugh, to cry and everything in between.
Stay fierce
J skittles

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