
Skit : what i was suppose to blog about Wednesday

My Mother and I got in to a heated hypothetical debate about Prop 8 and Queer rights. My mother is what I would call a right wing conservative when it comes to anything queer hahaha. I laugh cause it is going to kill her when she finds out not only is her daughter is Queer but ze is a queer activist. (At least I like to fancy myself one) and her precious son who does no wrong (my little brother) who is also probably Gay. If you don't know what prop 8 is you should Google it because I give the crappiest most inaccurate description of it ever. In my mind (feel free to correct me if I am wrong), it is a prop about banning Queer marriage. At least that is what I took away from my 10 min research about it. Personally, I think banning gay marriage is unconstitutional. It is blatant discrimination. Why, because it is religiously wrong, and we are a predominately religious country so we are S.O.L. I think that is some kind of messed up because love has nothing to do with religion and that Queers should be afforded the same rights as the straight people. I don't think legislation in Washington should have the right to say my love is wrong unless I can say his is too. Who can love who should not be up to public opinion. If I chose to marry another female, I want the tax benefits and the legal consequences (like acquiring a person's debts). I want to be able to sign the birth certificate and have parental right. I want to be held responsible for the child actions when they destroy public property just as much as her other mom is. I understand that there are religious implications. That marriage is a word that comes from the bible and I get that a Queer partnership totally disagrees with what the Good Book says. I get it but I am not asking to be married in a church or have to approval of the religious community. I just want the same right that the government grants every ones else. I don't care if I have to go before a priest or a judge I just want my rights.

in  other not as important news i keep discovering over and over that i am an idiot. especially when it comes to girls i really like. like there are probably only a hand full of girls that can make me go crazy and feel really stupid. like my really high IQ goes to zero around girl like this. and i don't know what is about them that is different from all the other girls i have ever come in contact with or dated or know. they stand alone in there own little category. and in my life time i have only met 2 girls like this and man to be with them is like being high.but like a good excited fast paced adrenaline pumping high. it is euphoric and highly addictive. it is so crazy cuz things move so fast and i never want to look back. but these girls remind me so much of each other. you know the name of the first girl Kimmi but this new girl  lets call her Skrill  reminds me so much of Kimmi that is scars me. but this a story for another post. cuz i feel like i need to get this all out.and now is not the time.

oh so the reason i didn't color the top was because i feel like it is very important  and  didn't want to take away from it by putting a a quirky color pattern. also i kind like the color thing i did for less important news i think i am going to stick with that until i get sick of it or find something better. make sure to leave me comments people. i know you are out there blogger tells me so lol. so right there in the little box write something. you can post as anonymous. i think it adds to the mystery and mystery is sexy!!!! 

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