
Burning A Bleeding Rainbow

I want to talk to guys about something very serious. However, I can't tell you much with out being very ambitious, or i will give to much real life detail away. so this post won't make much sense because i am not going to say it out right you will just have to figure it out. I don't know exactly how to begin but i know what i want to convey.  I find that if i start at the end i can work my way backwards to the beginning.  In the end it ruins lives and relationships. I personally have had to go through it with 4 of my friends where things got out of hand. I had to watch them put my friends down. i can't go through that again,m so i knew i had to speak out.  I know that we ( i say we cause i have done it before, i have done better and worse) are not thinking about the stress that we are putting on the relationships that we have with the people around us when we are doing it. I know we aren't thinking about the people that are worried about us. I know we aren't thinking about the long term repercussions or damage that we are doing to ourselves by doing it. and if we are then we are thinking we won't even live that long to have to face those repercussions. And if you let it get that far then no you won't, but there are people who do have to answer for your actions. or maybe they don't have to answer for your actions but they are effected by them just the same. when a person leaves this earth ( or returns to it deepening on what you believe) they always leave someone behind. even a person who has no one. The M.E still has to look at you. People still have to bury or burn you. some where along in this process some one will stop and care a little. but i don't even want you to get that far. I know i am a hypocrite because i had people telling me the same thing and i didn't listen till i saw it happen to one of my friends. but seriously you have to stop. it is a bad habit, and inferior coping method, and a awful way to make yourself feel better, because in reality your just hurting yourself more. i have sent friends to the doctor for it, yeah they hated me for awhile. i actually have a friend who is just starting to talk to me again but they still hate me. I am glad that they hate me to cause now i don't have to hate myself. I know you feel like crap when our doing it. trust me i have been there, but i have pulled myself out of that dark place to know that those scars don't represent the pain i caused my self those line, those marks, they represent the pain i caused my sisters and my brother and my friends. i was so selfish cause i could have talked to them they could have helped me. there is always someone out there who is willing to help. i meet people online that i don't even know and i am willing to help. put whatever it is down. wash it off put on some neosporin if needed ad some band aids and get some help. i did and i am better for it. Please get help, because there is a person like me out there for you, maybe you just haven't met them yet. i know a girl and i am worried sick about her and i am sure at some point somebody is was or will be worried about you.  

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